More and More Convenient

CHS ECO TECHNOLOGIES has been successfully registered as an engineering
company at the start of 2014
and now trading
individually as a green energy division of the company group CHS, which was
established in 2002.
CIPC Registered as a Private Company Limited
ECSA Registered ( Engineering Council of
South Africa )
ECASA Registered ( Electrical Contractor Association of South Africa )
ECBSA Registered ( Electrical Contractor Board of South Africa )
NHBRC Registered ( National Home Builders Registration Council )
CIDB Registration Pending
(Construction Industry Development Board)
SAQA approved Engineers and Technologists (South African Qualifications
Here at CHS ECO TECHNOLOGIES we believe that life is precious and that
every moment in life must be as convenient as it can be. That’s why we do
our very best in research, technology and engineering to develop systems
which will make life more convenient for every person at home or at
business, because we believe convenience
a relaxing life style.
CHS ECO TECHNOLOGIES specializes in self-sustainable electricity plants
for normal households, businesses, farms and agriculture and Estates. We
develop systems with life designs up to 20 years. All our clients’
opinions are important and if any client has an idea of something specific
that we can’t supply them, they are more than welcome to arrange a meeting
with one of our engineers to discuss a possible design. Our Engineers are
all qualified with a SAQA approved degree.
We also specialize in all major
electrical and electro mechanical repairs, installations and projects.
Have a look at the variaty of
services we specialize in
using our easily navigating
With our registration at the NHBRC any client can
apply for
a home improvement loan at all the major
financial institutions
to finance an installation as a home improvement. As a registered
electrical contractor we can also supply electricians and wireman’s
clearance for activating an electrical grid supply from ESKOM or
Services we have done and offer:
Domestic Self Sustainable Electricity Plants for households and businesses
Self-Sustaining Electricity Plants for Agriculture ( Water Pumps )
Self-Sustaining Electricity Plants for Farming and Estates
Solar Water Heating
PV Solar Water Heating
Multi Close Circuit water heating combined with Underfloor heating and
Pool Heating
Underfloor Heating
Solar Pool heating
PV Solar Pools ( Drive your pump with the power of the Sun )
Domestic Refrigeration Repairs, Maintenance and Installations
Air Conditioning Repairs, Maintenance and Installations
Convert your mini truck to an automotive Refrigerator or Freezer (
Transporting cold Products )
Covert your trailer to a refrigerator or freezer
Home Automation ( Control and Monitor everything in your home anywhere
in the world with CHS’s Home Automation Systems )
We are still enlarging our services; please bring new ideas and services
to our list!
Please browse through our services and products and view the prices at the
price guide. If you have any enquiries, please don’t hesitate to contact
us, we will be happy to provide you with the best affordable solution.
( All our products are Patented, designs Copyright Protected and comply
with EC standards with certification ISO9001 and ISO14001. )